Dubstep is the fucking pits thanks to fucking idiots like you who made it go commercial. Fuck you and your goddamn need for turning artforms into trends.
Joined on 5/17/12
Dubstep is the fucking pits thanks to fucking idiots like you who made it go commercial. Fuck you and your goddamn need for turning artforms into trends.
my dupstep is the bestest and it is art noob and poop
You mean.. You're "newb" to this place? ^^
shut up noob, you spell bad
wow your only comeback is that where noobs, and a question, how can someone miss spell noob/newb when neither is a real word?
I agree with KyPPo, Omegeist, Natick, and lissm. Overall... YOU ARE THE NOOB, your dubstep is not the best if it was maybe at least one person would like it, but nobody does.
your one "Song" (dare i even classify it as music) has so many errors maybe you should listen to people so you can get better instead of be so full of yourself and your ear hurting song
My song is incridible and i have pruof caus 3 people alredy downloeded it you noob. YOur a jelous noob
hey im no genius bit chk ur quality. stop tryna be like everyone else in the industry and diversify. Only a artist that is full of himself wont ever grow.Come on Jeeves be yourself for once in your life.
Not sure if he is trolling or completely retard
id say he is completely retard
oh my god
You really do suck though. But thank you for the minute and a half of pure hysteria at your creation of "music" Never laughed harder.
why do I even enjoy party dancefloor lol you suck you pigeon licker
@kruno5gaming but the song is the funniest I've ever heard, and the reviews and replies made me laugh XD
DJ iour songs ar fantastic!!!
Dose who sai dat iu are nuub ar actually them
You should make more songs, your first is a masterpiece
holla bwoyeee
hey noob